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Supported the U.S. Dept. of Education’s Teacher Incentive Fund grant for 8 years through the local implementation efforts of the County School Superintendent in the areas of professional development, new positions, and additional pay and benefits. The program supports multiple school systems in the urban and rural areas of Maricopa County (e.g., Phoenix and surrounding region).
upper arlington, ohio
Partnered with the Chief Operations Officer of the Upper Arlington Schools to onboard, engage, and provide unique learning experiences while implementing an onboarding portal for new and returning employees. Program was informed by front-line employees from the school.
oakland park, kansas
Co-developed the Human Capital Leaders in Education learning series and certification for the American Association of School Personnel Administrators (AASPA).
metro-nashville & shelby county, tennessee
Fostered relationships between government and industry to re-define what career readiness meant at the the local level through the development of curriculum pathways that led to local employment. Implemented and supported a professional development incentive structure for succession planning purposes.
erie, pennsylvania
Designed lean office learning paths for the Kitting Operation employees at General Electric Transportation Systems - Locomotive in collaboration with UE union membershhip and GETS business leadership.
farmington hills, michigan
Provided outsourced payroll and benefits administration for Gefit Livernois Engineering, LLC. Created onboaring program for international Visa workers employed for shorter periods of time.
palatine, illinois
Audited the largest human capital management system in Illinois schools, as measured by length of the collective bargaining agreement (10 years) and number of students served. Worked with local school superintendent, chief HR officer, and local teachers’ union members.